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Medicine Dosage Charts

Medicine Dosage Charts

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Dosage


Infant’s Oral Suspension*
160 mg
(in each 5 mL)
Childrens’s Oral Suspension
160 mg
(in each 5 mL
or 1 tsp)
Children’s Soft Chewable Tablets
80mg each
Junior Strength Chewable Tablets
160mg each
Weight Age Use included
Teaspoon Tablet Tablet
6-11 lbs 0-3 mos 1.25 mL
12-17 lbs 4-11 mos 2.5 mL ½ tsp.
18-23 lbs 12-23 mos 3.75 mL ¾ tsp.
24-35 lbs 2-3 yrs 5 mL 5 mL (1 tsp) 2
36-47 lbs 4-5 yrs 7.5 mL (1½ tsp) 3
48-59 lbs 6-8 yrs 10 mL (2 tsp) 4 2
60-71 lbs 9-10 yrs 12.5 mL (2 ½ tsp) 5 2 ½
72-95 lbs 11 yrs 15 mL (3 tsp) 6 3
96 lbs & over 12 yrs 4

Please note: One dose lasts 4 hours. Do not give >5 doses in 24 hours.

* For single concentration. Be aware that there may be both the old and new concentrations of infants’ acetaminophen products available in stores and in medicine cabinets. The pediatric acetaminophen products currently on the market can continue to be used as labeled. Be sure to check the label or contact our office should you have questions.

Ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin) Dosage


Infant’s Ibuprofen Concentrated Drops
50 mg
(in each 1.25mL)
Children’s Ibuprofen Suspension
100 mg
(in each 5 mL)
Children’s Soft Chewable Tablets
50 mg each
Junior Strength Chewable Tablets
100 mg each
Junior Strength Ibupofen Caplets
100 mg each
Weight Age Dropperful
(Use dropper)
Teaspoon Tablet Tablet Caplet
12-17 lbs 6-11 mos 1.25 mL
18-23 lbs 12-23 mos 1.875 mL
24-35 lbs 2-3 yrs 2.5 mL 5 mL (1 tsp) 2
36-47 lbs 4-5 yrs 7.5 mL (1½ tsp) 3
48-59 lbs 6-8 yrs 10 mL (2 tsp) 4 2 2
60-71 lbs 9-10 yrs 12.5 mL (2 ½ tsp) 5 2 ½ 2 ½
72-95 lbs 11 yrs 15 mL (3 tsp) 6 3 3

Please Note: One dose lasts 6-8 hours. Not to be used under 6 months.

  • Milliliter is abbreviated as mL; 5mL equals one teaspoon (tsp).
  • Don’t use household teaspoons, which can vary in size.
  • Aspirin should not be used in children to treat fever or pain.

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Dosage

Indications: Treatment of allergic reactions, nasal allergies, hives and itching.

Benadryl Liquid
12.5 mg = 5 mL
5 mL = 1 teaspoon
Benadryl Chewable
12.5 mg
Benadryl Tablets
25 mg
Benadryl Capsules
25 mg
20-24 pounds
3/4 teaspoon
25-37 pounds
1 teaspoon
1 chewable
38-49 pounds
1 1/2 teaspoons
1 1/2 chewable
50-99 pounds
2 teaspoons
2 chewable
1 tablet
1 capsule
100 pounds and up
4 chewable
2 tablets
2 capsules


  • Give every 4-6 hours, as needed, and not more than four times in 24 hours unless directed by a healthcare professional.
  • Benadryl comes in a liquid form, chewable form, or as a tablet or capsule.
  • MEASURING the DOSAGE: Syringes and droppers are more accurate than teaspoons. If possible, use the syringe or dropper that comes with the medication. If you use a teaspoon, it should be a measuring spoon. Regular spoons are not reliable. Also, remember that 1 level teaspoon equals 5 ml and that ½ teaspoon equals 2.5 ml.
  • ADULT DOSAGE: 50 mg
  • CHILDREN’S BENADRYL FASTMELTS: Each fastmelt tablet contains the equivalent of 12.5 mg of Diphenhydramine HCL and dosed the same as chewable tablets


This website is not intended to give medical advice and IS not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The Hamburg Pediatrics website is for informational purposes only. Consult with your physician regarding all your medical condition(s). The dosing information provided on this website should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.